What Is Pillow Pouch Packaging & Why Your Company Should Use Pillow Pouches

What Is Pillow Pouch Packaging & Why Your Company Should Use Pillow Pouches

Many businesses are searching for economic options over roll stock packaging. While custom pouches packaging may not seem like the more cost-effective solution, a company must consider the manufacturing and distribution benefits along with the potential for increased profits. Pillow pouches, while not new, offer some significant advantages over other packaging strategies.

Understanding Pillow Pouches

The pillow pouch is a sustainable packaging design, allowing for the storage of products ranging from food to electronics. The shelf-stable packaging is a staple in the packaging industry because of its versatility and flexibility. The resealable designs and developing ingenuity make pillow pouch packaging essential for budget conscience companies.

Benefits of Pouch Designs

Pillow pouch designs are a staple in the industry because of the dependability of the design. If your company is still on the fence about pillow pouches, consider the many benefits of this packaging.


Pouches inevitably take up less space than other package designs. The space-saving design means that more products can fit on shelves, which is helpful, mainly if the competition still uses bulky packaging. By using smaller pouches, your company provides more breathability around your merchandise, which may appeal to some consumers.


The other significant benefit to smaller packaging is the ability to save in transportation costs. Instead of having multiple shipments, you can often fit the average order into a single truckload. You may also save because the weight of pouches is usually less than other more traditional packaging methods, like cardboard boxes.


Pillow pouches allow for significant customization. A company can print its logo and message on the bag as well as bold graphics and colors. A company may wish to put a window in the design, enticing consumers with the actual product instead of an image. The design allowances of pillow pouches far surpass most traditional packaging.


The pouch design is also suitable for a variety of products. Whether your business produces dry goods, liquids, electronics or any other number of items, a pillow pouch is a durable container. The bags can also receive design upgrades, including zippers, spouts and childproof technology.


Beyond the reduction of transportation needs, pouches are environmentally friendly by design. The manufacturing process requires fewer materials and less production equipment use. The packaging can also use sustainable materials, further benefiting the production, manufacturing, and distribution processes.


Because of less material use and transportation and manufacturing savings, pillow pouches are more cost-effective than other packaging methods. Beyond saving money initially, pillow packaging can cause higher profit margins in two ways: passing the savings off or maintain current pricing. When you save money on packaging and cut prices to reflect those savings, you can entice new customers to buy. However, if you do not reduce the price, then current customers continue to buy at the same cost, which is an added profit for the company.

Shelf life:

Pillow packaging can also improve the shelf life of perishable items because of the air-tight seal. Air access is one of the leading reasons for the rapid aging of perishable products, but the seal on pillow pouches prevents excess contact with the air, more so than another packaging.

Pillow packaging is beneficial to a business’s bottom line. Contact a packaging supplier for more information.

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