Home remedies

7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

Home Remedies for Glowing Face

Fair skin and glowing face have been on the top of the wish-list of women of all ages in all times, and they would try everything that can fulfill this wish. But it is not that easy due to the harmful factors in this industrialized world. The air and water pollution, junk food, hybrid products, stressful lifestyle, lack of exercise and incorrect daily routine are some of them.

There are many cosmetic products available on the market, but they are less beneficial than harmful if used for a long time. People are getting awareness about this and therefore turning towards the Ayurveda, natural herbs and natural life. We have prepared this article specifically for skin care using the home remedies to help you save your money and get great results without any side-effects. Keep reading!

1. Honey and Lemon

Honey and Lamon are two great ingredients which can help you have any health benefits, and one of them is a glowing face. You just have to take a few minutes to prepare this mixture. It is as below.

Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and stir it until the honey gets dissolved completely. Then apply it to your face and cover entire face except for the area around your eyes. You should leave it for about 15-20 minutes and then wash with cool water. Honey and lemon are natural bleachers which will lighten your skin, improve the skin tone and make your face glowing.

Honey & Lemon - 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

2. Tomato

There are numerous benefits of using Tomatoes in our daily life. People use it in their daily meal, but very few know its use for the skin. If you are tired of acne and using allopathic medicines and creams, you can give the tomato a try. It will give you the benefits if you patiently use it. It will improve your skin structure, cure acne, remove rashes, reduce the effect of sunburn and make your skin fairer. It is one of the best home remedies to get a glowing face.

You just have to take tomato pulp and rub it on your face for a few minutes. You can leave it on your face for about 15 minutes and then wash with cool water. Do this regularly and you will see the results in a few weeks.

Tomato - 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

3. Rice Flour

Rice is a prominent part of the daily meals in Asian countries. But it can also be used for the skincare. If your skin is oily, rice flour can be very useful for you. It will absorb the extra oil from your skin and reduce the acne. It is one of the best remedies for the treatment of dull skin. It also works as an anti-aging material. The other benefits of rice flour include the reduction in inflammation, increase in skin fairness, removes the sunburn effect, smooth skin and glowing face.

Mix a cup of rice flour with milk to make a paste. Apply this paste on your face and scrub gently for about 10 to 15 minutes. After that, wash your face with normal cool water. It will remove the dead cells and blackheads, and improve the blood circulation that will ultimately improve your skin fairness and glow. It's worth trying due to its easy availability in your kitchen.

Rice Flour - 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

4. Turmeric

Turmeric has been used as an important spice in the food, as a herbal medicine for many diseases and as an ingredient in many herbal skincare products in India and other Asian countries for centuries.

Turmeric is a very powerful home remedy for curing acne and other skin-related issues. It is also a great antioxidant and anti-aging material that can help you get rid of the free-radicals and make you look younger than your age. This is a proven remedy for fair skin and glowing face.

All you have to do is to mix it with some milk. Just make this mixture in the quantity that can cover your face. Also, avoid adding too much turmeric else it will make your skin yellowish for a few hours. You can also make a mixture of turmeric and lemon juice.

After applying it as a face mask, leave it for a few minutes to make it dry and then wash it thoroughly with cool water. It will start showing the results in a few days.

Turmeric - 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

5. Banana & Oil Face Mask

Banana is considered the oldest fruit on earth and has been used as a powerful nutritional food for thousands of years. It provides numerous health benefits including the benefits for the skin. It contains a lot of beneficial elements like antioxidants, vitamin C, phytochemicals, etc. So it is useful in nourishing the skin and slowing down the aging process. For those with oily skin, acne and other skin-related issues, banana can be bliss and can give them a smooth skin and glowing face.

To make a face pack from it, you just need a ripe banana and 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil. Crush the banana well with a fork and mix the oil well to make it a smooth cream. Apply it to the face and keep it for about 20 minutes. Then wash it with cool or normal water. That's it! You will soon start seeing its benefits if you regularly apply it.

Banana & Oil Face Mask - 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

6. Milk

This is the all-time favorite ingredient for the skincare herbs and treatments and has been in use for thousands of years in many countries in Asia. Milk has been used with water for the bath by some people in India due to its amazing skin benefits. It works as a natural moisturizer and hydrates your skin making it soft and glowing.

For a glowing face, you just have to take a cup of milk. Add a few drops of lemon or honey and mix well. Use this mix to massage your face and neck and leave it for about 15 minutes. Then wash it with normal cool water. It will give you softer and moist skin. Add a pinch of turmeric to make this mixture more beneficial.

Milk with Turmeric - 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

7. Cucumber, Lemon & Turmeric Pack

This pack is very low cost yet very beneficial for the skin. It can save your money you would be spending on beauty products and parlor. Lemon is great for oily skin, turmeric gives you a glowing face and cucumber gives you a smoother and softer skin.

To make a face pack of these three, take a cup of cucumber juice, a few drops of lemon juice and about two pinches of turmeric powder. Mix them and apply on your face and leave it for about 15 minutes. Then wash it off with cool water thoroughly. Apply a good moisturizer after washing your face for a shiny look.

Cucumber, Lemon & Turmeric Pack - 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Face

Here are some more tips for fairer skin and glowing face.

  • Develop a daily routine - stay fit by doing exercise and practicing yoga and meditation daily
  • Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water
  • Use fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • Always eat healthy and fresh food instead of junk foods
  • Avoid using cosmetics products as far as possible
  • If you have to use any cosmetics product, you should test it on your hand
  • Stay away from smoking and alcohol
  • Sleep for at least 8 hours daily
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