Don’t Get Left Behind: 5 SEO Trends That’ll Affect Your Traffic

Don’t Get Left Behind: 5 SEO Trends That’ll Affect Your Traffic

The main purpose of your SEO campaign is to raise traffic amongst your target audience by boosting your visibility. You see, people who use your keywords are already interested in your industry, your products, or your services, in one way or another. This already makes them qualified leads. However, why should they do business with you or, even before that, click on your link instead of the link of your competitors? With the right SEO, you can provide yourself with a far superior position, which should lead to the results that you need. Here are five SEO trends to help you achieve this.


Blogging is one of the best ways to increase your traffic, seeing as how you get a ton of shareable content that will lead back to you. Other than this, you also improve the reputation within your own industry and may even have some people checking out your content on a regular basis in order to see if there’s something new. Creating your own content also leaves you with a chance to insert some internal links, thus increasing the number of pages visited by your audience. Apart from this, you also get a chance to increase the duration of every visit. All in all, blogging is one of the proven SEO trends and is the best thing you can do for your SEO and your traffic alike.

Social media activity

Another thing you should do is focus on your social media activity and use it to increase both your SEO and traffic. The thing you need to understand about social media activity is the fact that its relationship to SEO is sometimes quite unclear. After all, while it is clear that social media links don’t count as traditional backlinks, they are still working towards the improvement of your social media position. The fact that they drive traffic should be enough, on its own. In other words, the SEO perks are there even if, at times, you are unclear of what they are.

White label SEO

SEO is a complex process and it requires specialists from different areas in order to work. Technical SEO, being one of the prevailing SEO trends, alone is quite demanding and there are probably not many people in the industry who can conduct a proper SEO campaign (both on- and off-site). This is why specialists within the industry are grouping in order to be able to provide end-to-end white label SEO service. This means that each of the tasks in question will be handled by a specialist with the necessary knowledge and in-house developed SEO tools for the job. In other words, it provides a client with a tailor-made solution.


One of the most important things you need to understand about present-day SEO trends is the fact that people have a different way of interacting with traffic. First of all, about 33 percent of people just click on the first result after the search. About 95 percent of people find what they’re looking for on the first page. However, in the past several years, snippets are becoming more and more popular. In fact, it’s even possible that your audience will find the information or the statistic that they’re looking for in the snippet. If there’s one thing that you might have noticed so far is the fact that a snippet is not necessarily the first result. 

Voice search SEO

In 2020, the use of voice search is becoming a worldwide trend. There is an estimate that more than 50 percent of all internet searches will be voice-based. This means that you need to optimize for voice search SEO in order not to miss out on a massive audience. The thing is that just because your keywords are optimized for traditional (search box-based) search doesn’t mean that they will do well on voice search results, as well. The thing is that voice search keywords are more grammatical and more… well, speech-like. While typing, people deliberately omit articles and punctuation. While speaking, this requires no extra effort.


The very last thing you need to keep in mind is the fact that these SEO trends keep evolving and that you need to learn how to follow in suit. Sure, voice search is nothing new but this year, not optimizing for it is a much bigger lapse than it was several years back. The same thing goes for a lot of other trends on this list. Fortunately, with the right resources on your side, some patience, and, of course, some professional assistance, it shouldn’t be too difficult to keep up with all of this.

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