
Best Ways to Protect Your Car from Winter Road Treatments

Best Ways to Protect Your Car from Winter Road Treatments

Winter is definitely knocking at our doors. Many of us already switched to appropriate tires and are figuring out ways to get our cars warmer fast, especially during those chilly morning commutes. The cold season takes a toll on all people, but don’t think your car doesn’t suffer at all. Being ready for cold weather is an important part of being a responsible car owner, particularly if you live somewhere where road treatments are an everyday thing during the season. Winter road treatments can cause a lot of damage to your car, so here are a few tips that will help you protect it and keep it looking sharp until spring. 

Wash it regularly during winter

Keeping a clean vehicle rust-free is much easier than taking care of a dirty car. Make sure to wash your car regularly, especially after driving through road treatments like salt and ice-melting chemicals. Use a quality car wash soap and soft towel to maintain your car and make sure to remove all the buildup from the paint and wheels. If the weather is too cold, for only a few bucks you can hit a drive-through car wash and get things done in a few minutes. 

Best Ways to Protect Your Car from Winter Road Treatments

Apply wax

This is a great product that will protect your car’s paint all year round. Wax provides an additional layer of protection to the paint and prevents the road grime and salt from bonding with the paint. Before the first snowfall, apply some quality wax and those nasty road treatments won’t be able to penetrate your defenses. 

Make use of paint sealants

Like with everything in life, preventing issues on the car is always smarter than trying to correct the problem, so make sure to be proactive with protecting your paint. If you invest in excellent paint sealant, you can expect amazing benefits that will pay off all through the winter. A quality sealant can prevent the contaminants from reaching the paint and bonding with it, which makes it a lot easier to keep your car clean (and we know how important this is during the cold season). You’ll also get the long-lasting shine that will make your car look like a ray of sun in the cold, gloomy days. 

Best Ways to Protect Your Car from Winter Road Treatments

Drive smart

Driving through puddles might even be fun, but you never know what’s in them or underneath them. Puddles not only hide potholes and debris but are also real dirt and road salt magnets, so the damage they can cause to your car is significant. You can damage your paint, get a tire puncture, bend your rims, damage suspension and exhaust and even hurt your engine, so it’s best to leave puddles alone, especially during winter. 

Park in the driveway

If you and your partner or roommate are constantly bickering about who’s parking in the driveway and who’s parking in the street, make sure to create a good schedule, because parking in the driveway can save your car. If you decide to stay on the street, don’t be surprised if you find your car buried by snow and sprayed by salt. Also, if your city has a winter parking law, you can even expect a ticket if you decide to disregard it and park in the street. 

Best Ways to Protect Your Car from Winter Road Treatments

Stay vigilant

Every time you wash your car, make sure to take a good look at your car and keep an eye on chips, dents, and paint damage. Some manufacturers even offer paint touch-ups you can use to cover rock chips and prevent further damage. Don’t forget to look under the vehicle and if you notice rust, don’t hesitate to apply a rust-eating solution. You can also make your tires impervious to grime and salt by applying a powder coating to them. 

These little tips and investments will set you back only a few bucks and a few minutes of your time, but since they can help you keep your vehicle clean this winter, they are more than worth it. Give your car some love and treat it well this winter season, and you can expect to have a beautiful, healthy, and rust-free car in spring.

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